Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Paul McCullough Proclaims the Fed on the Right Track

Check out this morning's CNBC appearance by Paul McCullough. He is one of PIMCO's three leaders, that includes Bill Gross and Mohamed El-Erian (who left PIMCO to be Harvard Trust Fund's manager of $38B, but came back to PIMCO and is highly respected). The three of these guys don't get it wrong too often.


So, if we are in for a period of stabilization due to the pouring on of liquidity into our financial system, and then due for some significant inflation to pay for all that stimulation needed to save the financial system and home values, we should be positioned accordingly with our portfolios. And because this has been our thesis for the past year or more, we are.

But I never thought we would go through this severe a deflationary recession to get to the expansionary inflation; only talked about it as a remote possibility since I thought the Fed / Treasury knew enough history to avoid it. Bernanke undoubtedly does. But don't underestimate the ability of the Congress to get in the way of solving our national problems. They have no trouble getting us in (way too loose regulation on lending / banking and way too socialist in home lending policy), but want to find someone else to blame when the stuff hits the fan (I am thinking of a certain Sen. Barney (Fife) Frank).

Thinking about how to lever up at these depressed stock price levels leads me to two of the Proshares ETFs: DIG and UYM. Both use leverage to get 150% of the Dow Sector index. Here is a sampling of their holdings and performance (naturally, miserable the past few months):





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